English Learning Classes
MUSEArts offers free English classes to support members of the community to get established in Canada.
The classes are facilitated by Dr. Marco Belmont, Certified ESL Instructor, and take place weekly at the MUSE Arts Creative Lab located at Earlscourt Park (St. Claire Ave W & Caledonia Rd) in Toronto. The classes are offered online from November to April.
Schedule: Wednesdays 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm EST
Contact: esl@musearts.ca
To register, please fill out this form.
MUSE Arts also offers free meet-ups between native English and Spanish speakers to help each other to improve their language skills.
The meet-ups are also facilitated by Dr. Marco Belmont, Certified ESL Instructor, and take place weekly at the Muse Arts Creative Lab located in the Earlscourt Park (St. Claire Ave W & Caledonia Rd), Toronto. The meetings are offered on-line from November to April.
Schedule: Mondays 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm EST
Contact: esl@musearts.ca
To register, please fill out this form.